Introducing Styled Soirees- Micro and Mini Weddings So You Can Celebrate Now

May 26, 2020

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With the onset of the Covid-19 crisis many of our clients needed to postpone their events.  In order to keep the excitement and momentum going we have opened up Styled Soirees to real couples getting married.  With Styled Soirees, you can have a celebration now and the big party later. 

If you started wedding planning, like many couples do, with grand ideas and a Pinterest page of gorgeous images.  I’m sure it wasn’t long before you discovered that your ideas far exceed your financial comfort zone or the time allotted at the venue to set up.  If this was the case, now is the time to make those dreams a reality. When working with a smaller guest count your vendors have the capacity with both staff and time to elevate each touchpoint.  Your available budget will go much further, and the guest experience will be more personalized and intentional.  The styling of these events will be much more editorial with attention to each and every detail, much like we style for photoshoots. 

I am so excited to be offering this additional level of service.  To be honest we have always done these Styled Soirees, we have just done them for marketing purposes.  We haven’t ever actually opened them up to real clients.  

There are a few different levels we can offer.  Each Styled Soiree will be intentionally designed, heavily personalized, and will focus on the experience for you and each one of your guests.  With the reduced guest count we can really lean into the design, the details, and the experiences.  You can have that high-end design and really showcase who you are as a couple.

If you have already booked your vendors we can definitely work with them depending on availability.  If you are coming in new, we can source the vendors for you.  Vendors are selected based on style and budget. Each event will be customized to the couple and pricing will vary. 

Different Styled Soiree Options:

Micro Wedding:  

30 guests or less


Social Hour

*This is a great option for those who are still focusing on their sequel wedding

Mini Wedding:

50 guests for less


Social Hour

Plated Dinner

*This is a great option for anyone who would like to celebrate now and is not planning on a sequel wedding or those who would just love to spend more time celebrating.  Which of course I am all here for.

With all of our events we will of course be taking proper safety precautions and following CDC and state guidelines. 

As always, I would love to chat.

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